martes, 28 de abril de 2020


This recipe is very easy to prepare and it is the perfect if you are tired of always cooking the same old meatball recipe. It is also perfect for vegetarians and vegans.

And best of all: a meal for 4 will cost you approximately 1€!

The ingredients are as follow:

- 1 chickpea jar from supermarket
- 2 carrots
- 1/2 onion
- a bit of leek, as much or as little as you would like
- 3 garlic cloves
- a bit of flour
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
- bread crumbs, finelly crumbed.

Remove the chickpeas from the jar and clean them. Place them in a bowl and mash them.

Grate the rest of the ingredients, as it will make easier to mix them and also will help to not find any chunks.

Mix together the chickpeas with the grated vegetables, and add a bit of flour to give consistency to the dough. Add also any salt or pepper that you would like.

With your hand form little balls, the size of a golf ball. Roll them onto the breacrumbs and then onto some flour.

Heat the olive oil in a deep pan and fry the balls until they are golden.

You can add any sauce of your liking, such as tomato sauce, or cream.
