martes, 21 de octubre de 2014


Quite possible you have never heard of this dish in your life, but it is very common in our kitchens, mainly as dinner for kids.

Sooooo easy to prepare you wouldn’t believe it.

We just need chicken breast cut in small fillets and some ham. We normally use Serrano ham, but you can use Italian ham or just normal plain ham. They are called mini books because you can open them from one side like a book.

Take one of the chicken breast fillets, fill it with one or two slices of ham and place another small chicken fillet on top. Close it on the sides with a couple of toothpicks.

Then you have a choice, you can just fried them in a pan with a little bit of olive oil (just a bit is enough), or you can bread them.

We bread a lot of things in Spain, we call it “empanar” which basically means dip them in eggs and then in bread crumbs.

If you bread the mini books you will need a bit more of olive oil to fry them, therefore the dish is a lot more fulfilling.

If you fancy breading the fillets you can put cheese as well as ham inside of the mini books. If you don’t bread them and put cheese inside it might be a bit messy to cook.

And as side order you can have some peas, chips, tomato … whatever you prefer.

Kids just love it, and it is ready in about 5-10 minutes.

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