domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014


First of all, to thank Marisa H. for giving me this recipe so I could share it with you all. It sounds like the perfect idea for a light dinner or a romantic breakfast in bed. 

To poach the eggs there are several techniques, one more traditional and one  more modern and faster. 

The traditional way is to boil water with a splash of vinegar, without salt. Once the water is ready remove from heat. We open the egg in a glass and introduce it slowly into the boiling water, carefull don't burn yourself. You can also fill the glass with hot water very slowly. Leave it for about three minutes, remove from the pot and cool it with water to prevent the yolk from setting. 

The modern way is to put in a glass cling film, crack the egg inside, close it and place it in the hot water, also for 3 minutes and then cool it. 

To cool you can pour cold water over it or put it in ice. 

You can do it the way you find easier. 

We toast a slice of bread in the toaster, put the poached egg on top with whatever topping you fancy: a slice of cheese or tomato sauce. 

Another idea is to toast the bread, top it with a slice of cheese and ham (for example) and put it in the microwave for a few seconds so that the cheese melts. Then place on top the poached egg with some tomato sauce. 

Delicious !!!

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