domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014


Basic for anyone who has to survive is to know how cook rice, mostly because it is, along with pasta, part of the basic mediterranean diet. 

Each household cooks rice in a different way. There are no exact rules and everyone has their own spin. Here I will explain how to cook rice they way I like.

Cut some garlic in tiny dices and add them to a pan with a couple of soup spoons of olive oil. When the garlic shows a golden colour add the rice. As a measure we use a tea mug, and we will add 1 mug for every 2 people. 

Leave it cook for a bit while removing the rice. Now you  some parsley and salt or a dice of stock. 
We have to add hot water, always double than the rice you have used: for example 1 mug of rice means 2 mugs of water. As the water start to boil lower the heat to medium/low heat and leave it cook for twenty minutes. 

You don't need to remove the rice or to add more water. If you see that it is getting a little dry put the heat down or if you have an old electric stove you can even turn off and let it finish cooking with the heat given off by the appliance itself. This is good way of saving: energy and in the electricity bill.

When we see that the rice is cooked, take it completely away from the burner. Then you can let it sit a bit by covering with a clean cloth, although this is not strictly necessary.

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